Provides strategies for solving people problems. These strategies result in continuous improvements that shift workplace culture away from traditional toxic and uncivil organizations towards healthier, more positive workplace experiences for employees in manufacturing environments.
FACT: Work sucks for most people most of the time. The majority of people, a whopping 80 percent state being dissatisfied with their jobs, this according to Deloitte’s Shift Idex Survey.
by Christian Masotti
Propriety Publishing, February 2020
Pages: 191
This book was written for supervisors at any stage of their career who may be struggling with the people-side of the work. Supervisors in any organization can benefit from learning these 10 common-sense lessons. Anyone transitioning to a leadership position at the supervisory level in manufacturing, those just starting out in their careers, or those planning a long-term career who need to build their people skills will benefit from the practical lessons shared in this book.
by Christian Masotti and Lew Bayer
Propriety Publishing, April 2020
Pages: 156
by Christian Masotti and Lew Bayer
As a key component of workplace training, civility can have a significant impact on workplace culture and also increase measurable outputs related to continuous improvement—including but not limited to quality, efficiency, and cost. When organizations are deliberate and strategic about increasing supervisors’ and managers’ civility competencies in four key skill areas, they experience almost immediate improvements in interpersonal relationships, communication, morale, retention, trust, and productivity.
Lean on Civility: Strategies for Changing Culture in Manufacturing Workplaces offers a practical tool kit—complete with strategies and tools (like the Masotti Feedback Method)—that you can take back to your workplace and implement immediately.
by Christian Masotti and Lew Bayer
The newest book designed for business success by international best-selling author Dr. Lewena Bayer with contributions by Christian Masotti.
The book is available worldwide, in digital and print across all platforms!
In Civility at Work, Lew Bayer describes the business case for civility and explains how organizations can increase employee retention, performance, and overall revenue by creating a workplace culture of human kindness and civility. In case you were not aware, research focusing on both Canadian and U.S. companies shows that a whopping 98% of people polled have experienced uncivil behavior on the job. And, according to the fourth annual study on Civility in America: A Nationwide Survey, conducted by global public relations firm Weber Shandwick and public affairs firm Powell Tate in partnership with KRC Research, civility in America continues to erode. This year’s study found that 70% of the Americans believe incivility has reached crisis proportions. Alarmingly, 81% of the Americans think that incivility is leading to an increase in violence at work. Notably, 80% of the people are dissatisfied with their jobs.
Increasingly, people are choosing employers who understand that civility is good business. In Civility at Work, Lew Bayer describes the business case for civility and explains how organizations can increase employee retention, performance, and overall revenue by creating a workplace culture of human kindness and civility.
In this compelling and practical keynote presentation, Christian shares first-hand experiential anecdotes from over 20 years in manufacturing combined with insight via a 6 Cs formula for how civility – specifically applied to how people are treated at work – is a continuous improvement strategy proven to have measurable impacts on:
In this practical full-day workshop presentation, Manufacturing Civility, Christian Masotti provides strategies for solving people problems. These strategies result in continuous improvements that shift workplace culture away from traditional toxic and uncivil organizations towards healthier, more positive workplace experiences for employees in manufacturing environments. Participants will take away 10 Commonsense Social Competence Strategies that they can start applying on the job immediately.
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